Refined Ficin

Since more than 35 years acitve in proteolytical enzymes, we have added again and refreshed the refined enzyme FICIN.

Ficin is extracted of the fig latex ,   Fig latex is collected from wild oje trees ( Ficus insipida Willd , syn : F. Anthihelmintica , ficus glabrata )  in the Amazon Forest from authorized Forestry Concessions.  The latex is collected from the trunk fo the fig tree.



Refined Ficin, as proteolytical enzyme is used in the  brewing industry as a chilllproofing agent, in the cheese industry as a substitute for rennet in the coagulation of milk. In the meat industry as a meat tenderizer and as an agent for removing casings from formed sausage, in the preparation of peptones.

For the determination of the RH factor. Speeds 10 times the agglutination of human blood cells by the RH factor then in contact with the anti-RH serum.